Squad Up with Wing Squad

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If I am being honest, finger lickin’ chicken can be enjoyed anywhere at any time, but due to the finger lickin’ part - it is best consumed at home.

We are at the point in the winter season where even the thought of pulling out our snow boots, putting on a heavy insulated coat, and scraping off our frozen vehicles to drive to get our favorite bites is a draining process. We still do it but finding that motivation when the sun sets as early as 5 PM can be tough.

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Wing Squad is a national delivery-only concept brought to the Twin Cities created for the homebodies or the occasional party hosts.

With six classic chicken wing flavor options that include BBQ, Honey Garlic, Cajun, Garlic Parmesan, Sweet Chili, and Buffalo, you can also pair your wings with a fresh salad, mac & cheese, and even satisfy your sweet tooth with a chocolatey dessert.

The founder of Virtual Dining Concepts, Robert Earl is embracing the trend on food delivery and taking it to a new level.

Food delivery has quickly become an everyday occurrence for many people, so I created Wing Squad as part of my Virtual Dining Concepts network.
— Robert Earl, Virtual Dining Concepts

The delivery only concept allows opportunity to launch various locations due to the lack of customer facing staff.

The elimination of traditional restaurant labor also reduces costs for the Virtual Dining Concepts team to focus solely on superior ingredients, such as antibiotic and preservative free chicken, to elevate menu items at an affordable price. (Bravo!)


Wing Squad is currently available on GrubHub, DoorDash, Uber Eats, and Postmates for anyone in looking for some finger-lickin’ bites!

Sade Young4 Comments